Monday, February 20, 2012


I have finally finished a project... in one sitting!  Granted, it did take me about 2 hours, which was a lot longer than I thought.  But now that I know how to make one of these adorable little bags, I'm going to make more of them, and maybe even experiment with different sizes!  AND I can even start using up my ribbon stash!  (My ribbon stash is almost as out of control as my fabric stash... almost.)

I got the idea for making this bag from A cuppa and a catch up, and she linked to THIS awesome tutorial from In Color Order.  Both of which made absolutely beautiful bags!  I'm not sure this particular bag I've made is worthy, but hey!  I accomplished something!

It was nice to see that even though it took waaaay longer than I thought, I also followed step-by-step directions from a tutorial.  I am usually a hands on "haptic/kinesthetic" learner, which means trying to follow written directions is virtually impossible for me.  Even simple directions that are mostly written might as well be in another language.  So thanks to the thorough efforts of In Color Order, with all of her photographs and simple directions, I did manage to follow step-by-step directions, without having to see it made in order to understand it!

I know I had told myself this morning that today I was going to clean and work on some chores.  I even made myself a reasonable "to do" list for today.  And making a little bag was definitely not on the list.  But I had an itch!  And I thought that if this week at work would be anything like the last two weeks at work, than I really did deserve to give myself some crafting time.  So I did.  

I also used up some more fabric from my stash. I've been saving this batik fabric for over ten years.  I think I bought it with Maria my freshman year in college from Patchwork Plus, this awesome fabric store in Mennonite country up in the Shenandoah Valley.  I just have never found anything worthy enough of using it up!  So here it is, and I even have enough leftover so that I can put some pieces of it into my patchwork quilt.

So even though the sheets have not been changed, or the dishes washed, or the cat box cleaned, I feel rather accomplished, all before noon.  And on a day off, I think that really is quite and accomplishment!

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