Monday, March 26, 2012

Where did it go?!

So... I didn't mean to neglect my blog so soon after starting it, but since my last post I:

1.  Began planning a large wedding shower,
2.  Began/finished serious apartment hunting,
3.  Ran a little 13.1 mile Shamrock Half Marathon,
4.  Had my soul eaten by work,
5.  Thoroughly stressed out about numbers 1-4 on epic scales (and repeat).

Annnnd there you have it.  What happened to the last month of my life.  Oh, I also finished a pretty bitchin little Philadelphia Phillies baseball felt mobile for my friend Laurie and Parker's baby boy!  I did take pictures, I will post them "soon."

Tonight I was supposed to work on some epic budgeting/ordering mess for work, but the website is being incredibly rude and giving me the silent treatment right now, so updating the blog it is.  (And very poorly updating, I might add.)

Perhaps I will go to bed early.  Perhaps I will make my lunch on time for tomorrow.  Maybe I will have the energy to take a shower AND floss tonight!  Wooo!  DREAM BIG!

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