Monday, May 7, 2012

Conundrums and Soup Explosions

Today I was listening to an interview with the creator/writer of the HBO show "Girls."  I watched the first episode a week or two ago with Rob, and was pretty disgusted, mostly by the pretentiousness of it all.  If you want to see why other countries hate us (without the eating contests) or what the phrase "First World Problems" really means, watch this excuse of a show.  If you want something "edgy" or "enlightening," watch anything else.  And then the more I listened, the more and more and MORE pissed off I got.  I channeled my inner Republican old man, "Get a damn job and pull yourself up by your damn bootstraps!" I internally ranted!

And that is how this clusterFUNK of a Case of the Mondays set in.  Not to mention being a little lonely, a little sad/nostalgic about something I may have interpreted on Facebook, and other things.  Including my job...

So what did I do?  Look up graduate school AGAIN.  Including SCAD eLearning, and EVMS's Art Therapy program.  And I began dreaming up a job that I REALLY enjoy... unlike the job that I USED to REALLY enjoy.  And then I started thinking, "How can I pay for this? How can I get help to pay for this? WHOM can I get to help me pay for this?!"

And now suddenly I'm no better than the rich white female characters on "Girls" demanding that their parents support them financially after college for unlimited years.  And I feel like a piece of crap.

So I decided to make soup, and pour it over orzo, because I was watching Anthony Bourdain, and I wanted to pretend I could make risotto from scratch.

And then the mushroom soup exploded out of the pot so much so the lid came off, and it looked like a science experiment.

Dinner FAIL.

At least a friend posted this on Facebook... hope springs eternal?

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

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